PHASE II of the Bigger-Badder-Arms program is exactly what you need to put the finishing touches on your GUNZ! With our high volume/high intensity training let us bring out that definition and conditioning to your arms for that overall impressive look! This program is NOT for beginner and we recommend you have completed PHASE I to prepare yourself for the intensity of "The Kawasaki Way."
Winning is ALL CONSUMING."

Coach Dibz

Domenick "Dibz" DIbenedetto is an IFBB Classic Physique Pro and NASM certified personal trainer, Nutritionist, Bodybuilding Coach and NLP Practitioner. His specialties include working with the mental aspect of winning and removing limiting beliefs. Trained by Master NLP practitioner Paul Ross and Michael Jordan's Trainer Tim Grover. Domenick will work with you to push past your limiting beliefs and develop the mental tools you need to win championships! His athletic clientele varies from OCB bodybuilders, Fitness Models, and crossfit athletes. He also manages the Kawasaki Online Dojo alongside of Master Trainer Mike Kawasaki